Affordable Dumpster Rental Prices in Augusta.

Considerations for dumpster rental prices in Augusta?

In Augusta- there are a few things that can affect dumpster rental prices. When initially connecting with our dumpster consultants, they will ask you a few questions that will determine which dumpster size you will need and eventually give you a proper dumpster rental estimate and quote. Here are a few things that affect your dumpster rental prices:

  • Your project type
  • Contents going in the dumpster rental
    • How heavy is it?
    • What is it?
  • The job location
  • Length of the dumpster rental

Now that you know what could determine dumpster rental prices, you should also know what you get when renting a dumpster from Bin There Dump That. We offer various services and have an "all-in" pricing model - so whenever you rent a dumpster in Augusta, you will receive this:

  • Delivery of the dumpster rental
  • pickup of the roll off dumpster
  • Driveway Protection System
  • Sweep around the container upon pickup
  • Metal sweep around the bin
  • A set tonnage that you're able to dispose
  • 7 day rental included

Contact our dumpster consultants for any special requests and accommodations that you might need with your dumpster rental in Augusta.

20 Cubic Yard Dumpster

20 Cubic Yard Dumpster
11' long, 8' wide, 6' high
What's included:
  • Includes 7-day rental and up to 3 tons of debris
  • Double walk-in doors

15 Cubic Yard Dumpster

15 Cubic Yard Dumpster
11' long, 8' wide, 4.5' high
What's included:
  • Includes 7-day rental and up to 3 tons of debris
  • Double walk-in doors

10 Cubic Yard Dumpster

10 Cubic Yard Dumpster
10' long, 7' wide, 4' high
What's included:
  • Includes 7-day rental and up to 3 tons of debris
  • Double walk-in doors

6 Cubic Yard Dumpster

6 Cubic Yard Dumpster
10' long, 5.5' wide, 3' high
What's included:
  • Includes 7-day rental and up to 3 tons of debris
  • Double walk-in doors

4 Cubic Yard Dumpster

4 Cubic Yard Dumpster
10' long, 5.5' wide, 2' high
What's included:
  • Includes 7-day rental and up to 1 tons of debris
  • Double walk-in doors